Edition 2025

Early Music Day takes place every year on 21 March, at the initiative of REMA. This celebration of more than a thousand years of music, through concerts and events taking place simultaneously around the world, is an opportunity for Europeans to (re)discover our musical heritage!

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Concerto di Quaresima

21/03/2025 20:30 CET

Concerto di Quaresima On-site

Conservatorio di Musica G. Verdi di Milano Italy
Parrocchia della Sacra Famiglia in Rogoredo, Via Monte Peralba, 15, 20138 Milano
DIETRICH BUXTEHUDE (1637-1707) Oratorio Membra Jesu Nostri, BuxWV 75
  • Ensemble of the Milan Conservatory
  • Davide Iurilli, harpsichord master
  • Curated by Anna Fontana and Noelia Reverte Reche
The words of ecstasy: Catherine of Siena - between words, mysticism and politics

21/03/2025 18:00 CET

The words of ecstasy: Catherine of Siena - between words, mysticism and politics On-site

Istituto Veritatis Splendor Italy
Art Museum Raccolta Lercaro, Via Riva di Reno, 55 , 40122 Bologna
The life, mystical experience and political action of Caterina da Siena recounted by Gianni Festa OP (Theological Faculty of Emilia-Romagna). Music and reading from the Letters and Dialogue of Divine Providence performed by the ensemble Murmur Mori.
  • Mirko Virginio Volpe: cythara, lyre, chant
  • Silvia Kuro: chant, recitant voice, bells, drums
  • Matteo Brusa: citole
  • Alessandra Lazzarini: medieval transverse flutes
Concert of the ensemble week, direction Catherine Motuz and Frithjof Smith

21/03/2025 19:30 CET

Concert of the ensemble week, direction Catherine Motuz and Frithjof Smith On-site

Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Switzerland
Predigerkirche Basel, Totentanz 19, 4056 Basel
This concert represents the culmination of an intensive project week of ensemble work for large mixed ensembles.
Öppen Scen - Open Scene

20/03/2025 18:00 CET

Öppen Scen - Open Scene On-site

Svenska Kyrkan Höörs församling Sweden
Höörs Kyrka, Skolgatan 8, 24330
On Early Music Day, concerts are played simultaneously all over Europe! The celebration takes place every year on J. S. Bach's birthday, March 21
Machaut turning in his grave

22/03/2025 20:00 CET

Machaut turning in his grave On-site

Cite Musical Metz France
Arsenal, Saint-Pierre-aux-Nonnains, 1 rue de la Citadelle Metz, 57000 Metz
Works by Machaut, Desprez, de Cluny, Codex Las Huelgas, Codex Montpellier, Cyprus Manuscript
  • Olivier de Sagazan, performance
  • Anna Danilevskaia, vielle and direction
  • Carine Tinney, Tim Braithwaite, triplum
  • Sophia Faltas, Roman Melish, motetus
  • Lior Leibovici, Jonatan Alvarado, tenor
  • Jacob Lawrence, Victor Sordo, contra-tenor
  • Roger Helou, organetto
First CD Recording by Cohaere thanks to S-EEEmerging Project

25/03/2025 16:00 CET

First CD Recording by Cohaere thanks to S-EEEmerging Project On-site

Centre culturel de rencontre d'Ambronay France
Chapelle des Soieries Bonnet, Chapelle des Soieries Bonnet, Jujurieux
A new recording to come of Pierre Gaultier's "Symphonies divisées par suites de tons" by a young and talented Polish Ensemble dedicated to French baroque repertory
  • Marta Gawlas, historical transverse flutes
  • Marta Korbel, historical violin
  • Monika Hartmann, historical cello
  • Natalia Olczak, harpsichord, historical keyboards
'Early Music Downunder Playlist 2025 launch'

21/03/2025 08:00 AEDT (20/03/2025 22:00 CET)

'Early Music Downunder Playlist 2025 launch' Online

Jenny Eriksson Australia
Osborne Ave, 2112 Putney
We have prepared updated Spotify and YouTube playlists of Australian early music recordings and performers for launch on EMD. We first lauched these playlists in 2023.
Musicians The broadest possible list of performers and ensembles based in Australia
"L'amor donna ch'io te porto"

23/03/2025 11:00 CET (23/03/2025 11:00 CET)

"L'amor donna ch'io te porto" On-site

Associazione Mozart Lecce Italy
Museo Provinciale "Sigismondo Castromediano", Viale Gallipoli, 31, 73100 Lecce
Music and love songs from the Renaissance to the early Baroque
  • Vania Palumbo: Singing, Percussion
  • Michele Tricarico: Recorder flutes
  • Maurizio Ria: Viola da gamba
  • Angela Lacalamita: Lute
  • Giovanna Tricarico: Harpsichord
Missa di Requiem

23/03/2025 18:00 CET (23/03/2025 18:00 CET)

Missa di Requiem Online

Pietà de' Turchini Foundation Italy
https://maps.app.goo.gl/Zng2EYhz4oRCaC5p6, 80132 Naples
Music by D. Sarro, F. Durante, G. M. Trabaci A masterpiece by Domenico Sarro (1743) that presents a writing of remarkable finesse in a procedure observed but rich in painful passages that mark the feeling in music of the time.

Coro Exultate

  • Antonella Borrelli, Luigia Gargiulo*, Giovanna Moccia, Paola Pierno - Canto 1
  • Antonella Ausanio, Rosa Ciaramella, Emerenziana Guido*, Lia Scognamiglio - Canto 2
  • Paola Ciranni, Tiziana De Bellis, Marina Vagnoni*, Davide Troìa* - Alto
  • Domenico Cardone, Angelo Chianese, Gennaro Di Bonito, Leopoldo Punziano* - Tenors
  • Gianluca Avolio, Massimo Di Giovanni, João Fatela, Alfonso Oliva* - Basses
  • * solo voices
  • choirmaster Davide Troìa

Schola Gregoriana of the Pietà de' Turchini

  • Eduardo Campos de Dios, Jesus Ivan Flores Nuñez, Davide Franco, Alejandro Garcia, Edgardo Piña Macias, Antonio Sembiante, Roy Touma, Wiktor Wojcik - singers
  • maestro Lanfranco Menga

Talenti Vulcanici

  • Daria Spiridonova, Giuseppe Grieco - violins
  • Pietro Massa - viola
  • Marcello Scandelli - cello
  • Giorgio Sanvito - doublebass
  • Pierfrancesco Borrelli - organ
  • Stefano Demicheli - conductor

musicological expertise by Paologiovanni Maione

transcriptions by Enrico Gramigna

Polish Music for violin and Cello in the 19th century

21/03/2025 18:00 CET

Polish Music for violin and Cello in the 19th century On-site

Polish Composers of the 19th Century Poland
Muzeum Diecezjalne, ul. Książąt Opolskich 44, 46-020 Opole
Celebrate 19th-century Polish music! Come and listen to works by Szymanowska, Duranowski, and foreign composers like Fiorillo who embraced the Alla Polacca style. Explore Poland’s influence on European music with folk-inspired character and virtuosity
  • Joanna Kreft - Historical Violin
  • Matylda Adamus - Historical Cello
Ma Non Troppo, Chanson nouvelle

23/03/2025 15:00 CET

Ma Non Troppo, Chanson nouvelle On-site

Rencontres Internationales de musique ancienne en Trégor France
3 rue du château, salle Steredenn, 22420 Lanvellec

Italian and English Music from the Middle Ages and Some Contemporary Resonances

Singing, bowed vielles

800 years ago, in 1220, Francis of Assisi stepped down from leading the order he had founded, shedding the trappings of power to draw closer to a nature he cherished as divine creation. Who knows if he was a musician? Yet, he inspired a new popular song, in the Umbrian language, which flourished throughout the century around Assisi and Cortona.

At the same time, west of the English Midlands, Worcester Cathedral stood out as a liturgical center with influence across the kingdom. Unlike the French, the English did not make unnecessary distinctions between scholarly and popular music. Composer Gavin Bryars (best known for his minimalist work) offers a kind of mirrored reflection of these two traditions, drawing inspiration from both the refinement of medieval English music up to John Dunstable and the simplicity of the Laudario di Cortona.

Laudes from the Cortona Laudario, reinterpreted by Gavin Bryars (2003).

Excerpts from English manuscripts from the 13th and 14th centuries.

  • Camille Aubret – singing, bowed vielle
  • Emmanuelle Huteau – singing
  • Elsa Papatanasios – singing
  • Daniela Maltrain – singing, bowed vielle
  • Camille Rancière – singing, bowed vielle
Anna Magdalena Bach Notenbüchlein (1725)

01/04/2025 19:00 EEST (01/04/2025 18:00 CEST)

Anna Magdalena Bach Notenbüchlein (1725) On-site

Estonian Baroque Orchestra (EEBO) Estonia
Mustpeade maja, Pikk 26, 10133 Tallinn
At home with the Bach family: Johann Sebastian's elegant style, Carl Philipp Emanuel's youthful dance-energy, popular favourites then and now

Estonian Baroque Orchestra

Andrew Lawrence-King, musical director

Monteverdi: Presentation of the *L'Orfeo* project in partnership with the Cité des Arts

21/03/2025 19:00 CET

Monteverdi: Presentation of the *L'Orfeo* project in partnership with the Cité des Arts On-site

Ensemble Arianna & Marie Paule Nounou France
Maison des Chœurs​​​, Place Albert 1er, 34090 Montpellier

Open rehearsals as part of the partnership between Ensemble Arianna and the Cité des Arts of Montpellier. Free entry, subject to availability.

  • Direction: Marie-Paule Nounou and Jean-Philippe Zielinski
  • Cast: Students from the Voice and Early Music Departments of the Cité des Arts
    Ars Vocalis (Vocal Arts Division of Ensemble Arianna)
Le Mercure (pas) galant, Italian rivalries at the court of the Sun King

22/03/2025 19:00 CET

Le Mercure (pas) galant, Italian rivalries at the court of the Sun King On-site

Le Phénix, Scène Nationale Valenciennes, Boulevard Harpignies , 59301 Valenciennes
This musical show takes place in the imaginary salon of two great masters of music at the Court of Louis XIV: Jean Baptiste Lully and Paolo Lorenzani. Jousts between French and Italian styles mingle with the chronicles of the famous Mercure galant.

Ensemble Il Buranello

  • Stéphanie Revillion, soprano
  • Zeljko Manic, harpsichord
Rune - Decameron Musicale

18/03/2025 20:30 GMT (18/03/2025 21:30 CET)

Rune - Decameron Musicale On-site

Leamington Music United Kingdom
St Mary's Church, Warwick, Old Square, CV34 4RA Warwick
A mosaic of musical stories from early modern Europe featuring music by Landini, de Vitry, Dunstable, Binchois, and Machaut, and threaded with medieval music from more distant times and places.
  • Angela Hicks, soprano
  • Daniel Thomson, tenor
  • Jean Kelly, harp
  • May Robertson, vielle
  • Daniel Scott, recorders & portative organ
El Conservatori de Menorca celebra el Dia de la Música Antiga!

21/03/2025 18:30 CET

El Conservatori de Menorca celebra el Dia de la Música Antiga! On-site

Conservatori Professional de Música de Menorca and Joventuts Musicals d'Alaior Spain
Concert, Carrer des Banyer s/n, 07730 Alaior
Chamber music and orchestra's students will celebrate the Early Music Day with a concert around baroque and classical music.
Musicians String quartet and strings orchestra of the Conservatori de Menorca
The Gesualdo Six: Queen of Hearts

21/03/2025 20:00 GMT (21/03/2025 21:00 CET)

The Gesualdo Six: Queen of Hearts On-site

Portsmouth Early Music Festival United Kingdom
Portsmouth Cathedral, Portsmouth Cathedral, High Street, PO1 2HH Portsmouth
The Gesualdo Six present a selection of Motets and Chansons from the French Court, focusing on European Queens: Anne of Brittany, Margaret of Austria, Anne Boleyn and Mary Tudor.
Musicians The Gesualdo Six
Concert des professeurs des conservatoires à rayonnement départemental de Narbonne et Béziers Méditerranée

21/03/2025 19:00 CET

Concert des professeurs des conservatoires à rayonnement départemental de Narbonne et Béziers Méditerranée On-site

Les Muses en Dialogue & le Réseau des Conservatoires Occitanie Méditérranée France
Eglise Saint-Vincent-de-Saragosse, Place de l'église, 34490 Lignan sur Orb
As part of the European Early Music Day, the professors of this educational department offer a concert to explore the aesthetics and repertoire dedicated to this beautiful music. For information and reservations, contact the conservatories of Narbonne and Béziers.
Musicians Professeurs des CRD de Narbonne et Béziers Méditerranée, direction Élèves instrumentistes du département des musiques anciennes du Conservatoire de Béziers Méditerranée et choeur baroque des ateliers musique ancienne du Conservatoire de Narbonne.
Concert by the professors of the Early Music Department of the Perpignan Regional Conservatory of Music (Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional).

22/03/2025 15:00 CET

Concert by the professors of the Early Music Department of the Perpignan Regional Conservatory of Music (Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional). On-site

Les Muses en Dialogue & Professeurs du DMA du Conservatoire à rayonnement régional de Perpignan France
Musée d'art Hyacinthe Rigaud, 21 Rue Mailly, 66000 Perpignan
Immerse yourself in a unique musical journey at the heart of the Hyacinthe Rigaud Art Museum's collections! As part of the European Early Music Days, the association Les Muses en Dialogue invites you to a concert by the professors of the Early Music Department of the Perpignan Regional Conservatory of Music. Blending the richness of Baroque works with the elegance of the art on display, this concert offers a one-of-a-kind experience where music and heritage resonate in perfect harmony. Rates and access conditions: Full price: €13 (entrance + €5) Reduced price: €11 (entrance + €5) Child price: €5 (entrance + €5) Limited seating – Reservations required through the museum: Phone: +33 (0)4 68 66 19 83 – Email: contact@musee-rigaud.fr

Professors of the Early Music Department of the Perpignan Regional Conservatory of Music

El Jardín de las Delicias

22/03/2025 12:58 CET

El Jardín de las Delicias On-site

All'Antica Musika Spain
Auditorio Clara Campoamor Barakaldo, Gernikako Arbola Etorbidea, 41, 48902 Barakaldo, Bizkaia, 48902 Barakaldo

It is an interdisciplinary project that combines music, theater, dance, and audiovisuals, in such a way that, in the style of a zarzuela, we intersperse music and dance with theatrical scenes. Regarding the music, we perform various Spanish and Latin American pieces, both vocal and instrumental, from the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries.

On the theatrical side, we tell the story of the death of King Philip II through his final thoughts, memories, and interactions with the characters of Death and the ghosts of his wives. All of this unfolds as he gazes at the painting The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch, which the king himself had ordered to be placed at his deathbed.

Throughout the performance, the king journeys through the painting, drawing parallels between various details of the artwork and his own reflections. Likewise, each musical piece we perform is somehow connected to the monarch's thoughts and emotions and to the various details of the painting.

  • Jorge Santos Pérez, actor - Philip II
  • Laiene Alcalá, soprano - Death
  • Venezia Grifell, dancer - Wives of Philip II
  • Diego Parra, violin
  • David Sáez, recorders
  • Silvia Cantatore, viola da gamba
  • Teresa Merino, theorbo
  • Elvira Pujol, harpsichord
  • Adrian Santamaría, percussion
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
REMA is funded with support from the French Ministry of Culture.