Edition 2025

Early Music Day takes place every year on 21 March, at the initiative of REMA. This celebration of more than a thousand years of music, through concerts and events taking place simultaneously around the world, is an opportunity for Europeans to (re)discover our musical heritage!

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Concert by Ensemble Allettamento: "Allá van a tus manos mis versos"

21/03/2025 19:00 CET (21/03/2025 19:00 CET)

Concert by Ensemble Allettamento: "Allá van a tus manos mis versos" Online and On-site

Música Antigua Xixón Spain
Museo Casa Natal de Jovellanos, Jovellanos square, s/n, , 33201 Gijón/Xixón
This concert is focused on the music written for violin and basso/cello (violín y bajo a solo) that was part of the sounding landscape in Spain during the 18th century. The repertoire includes sonatas by Brunetti, Scarlatti, and Corelli among others.
  • Mario Braña, baroque violin
  • Elsa Pidre, baroque cello
13th European Day of Early Music

21/03/2025 18:00 CET (21/03/2025 18:00 CET)

13th European Day of Early Music On-site

Conservatorio statale di musica "G. Rossini" di Pesaro Italy
Sala dei Marmi, Conservatorio Rossini , Piazza Olivieri 5, 61121 Pesaro
On March 21, 2025, the Rossini Conservatory celebrates European Early Music Day.
Fortepiano class
  • Prof. Maurizio Paciariello
  • Enrico Maria Bertoni
  • Giovanni Capelli
Ma belle Dame souverainne - Guillaume Dufay, Chansons

21/03/2025 19:00 CET

Ma belle Dame souverainne - Guillaume Dufay, Chansons On-site

Rainer Böhm (Alta Musica) Germany
Kapelle 99, Boxhagener Str. 99, 10245 Berlin
Alta Musical presents a varied program with music by Guillaume Dufay. The composer, who was already famous during his lifetime, shaped and influenced the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance like no other contemporary musician.

Alta Musica

  • Rainer Böhm (blockflöte, pommer)
  • Antonia Biemer (sopran)
  • Dagmar Jaenicke (blockflöte, pommer)

21/03/2025 18:30 CET


Gabor Sarai Germany
Friedhofskapelle Meldorf (Meldorf Cemetery Chapel), Kirchhofsplatz 4, 25704 Meldorf
A concert with works by old masters such as Valderrábano, Arbeau, Senfl, Susato, Dowland, Visée.

Lecturers in the early music department of the Dithmarscher music school:

  • Gabor Sarai
  • Fumie Shikichi-Sarai

and music school students

Frauen am Flügel / Women at the Keyboard

30/03/2025 18:00 CEST

Frauen am Flügel / Women at the Keyboard On-site

Klavieratelier Mignon 1904 Switzerland
Klavieratelier Mignon 1904, Bottmingerstrasse 35, 4102 Binningen (Baselland)
March, for the International Women’s Day, is also a month honoring women. This concert features two parts: one showcasing female composers with works for fortepiano and harpsichord, and another highlighting women pianists who recorded piano rolls.
Musicians FANNY DAVIES Ensemble (Sebastian Bausch and Laura Granero)
Musiques pour l'eau

22/03/2025 19:00 -04 (23/03/2025 00:00 CET)

Musiques pour l'eau On-site

Vox Caribæi Martinique
Institut Martiniquais du Sport, Quartier Mangot Vulcin, 97232 Le Lamentin
A show where Art and Nature meet. Baroque music linked to water and aerial videos captured above the waterways of Martinique. On the program: Lully, Delalande, Philidor, Vivaldi & Haendel.

Distribution :

  • Nour Trottier (flûtes traversières baroques)
  • Thomas Raso (violon I)
  • Laurent Masson (violon II)
  • Jean-Damien Poullet (alto)
  • Lara Slabiak (violoncelle)
  • Eric Martinel (direction artistique & musicale)
  • Yannick Eugène (captation vidéo aérienne)

Public : ouvert à tous, dans la limite de 200 places disponibles

Pierre Gaultier and the birth of opera in Marseille

22/03/2025 18:00 CET

Pierre Gaultier and the birth of opera in Marseille On-site

Mars en Baroque 2025 France
Musée d'Histoire de Marseille, Port Antique, Rue Henri Barbusse, 13001 Marseille
Based on instrumental works by Gaultier, Concerto Soave has built a program around French opera in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Lully is obviously present, but also Campra and Mouret.

Concerto Soave

  • Lise Viricel, soprano
  • Romain Bockler, baritone
  • Federica Basilico, Charlotte Gerbitz, violins
  • Marine Rodallec, cello
  • Jean-Marc Aymes, harpsichord and conductor
Quicksilver: The Early Moderns

21/03/2025 19:30 PDT (22/03/2025 03:30 CET)

Quicksilver: The Early Moderns On-site

Early Music Vancouver Canada
St. Andrew's-Wesley United Church, 1022 Nelson Street, #100, V6E 4S7 Vancouver
Known for their “impeccable, soulful playing” (The New York Times), Quicksilver presents a programme exploring the musical revolutions of the Early Modern period. This “modern” music is exemplified in extravagant and sumptuous sonatas.
  • Robert Mealy & Julie Andrijeski, violins & directors
  • Dominic Teresi, dulcian
  • David Morris, viola da gamba
  • Charles Weaver, guitar & lute
  • Avi Stein, harpsichord & organ
Piccolo & l'eau

21/03/2025 08:00 -04 (21/03/2025 13:00 CET)

Piccolo & l'eau On-site

Vox Caribæi Martinique
Médiathèque du Lamentin , 28, rue Hardy de Saint Omer , 97232 Le Lamentin
Educational workshop for young audiences. A time to raise awareness of the art and preservation of water, using the baroque transverse flute, traditional flutes and a cartoon on the journey of water.

Instructors :

  • Nour Trottier (baroque transverse flute)
  • Max Télèphe (traditional bamboo flute)
  • Éric Martinel (tambourine flute and native flute)

Participants: Cycle III students (classes from CM1 to 6ème)

BACH 340.1 - Sonatas

24/03/2025 19:00 EET (24/03/2025 18:00 CET)

BACH 340.1 - Sonatas On-site

Cultural Center of Harghita County Romania
Miercurea Ciuc, Roman Catholic Church Holy Cross , Kossuth Lajos street no. 38, 530230 Miercurea Ciuc - Csíkszereda
Miercurea Ciuc Early Music Festival joined a few years ago the European Early Music Day. Program: Sonatas for violin and harpischord Sonata in b minor, BWV 1014, Sonata in A major, BWV 1015, Sonata in E major, BWV 1016
  • Zsuzsa CSENGERI KOSTYÁK, harpischord
  • Előd GÁBOR, violin
Francesca Caccini "La liberazione di Ruggiero da l'isola d'Alcina" (1625)

08/03/2025 19:00 EET (08/03/2025 18:00 CET)

Francesca Caccini "La liberazione di Ruggiero da l'isola d'Alcina" (1625) On-site

Utopia Chamber Choir (Helsinki) Finland
Helsinki German Church, Bernhardinkatu 4, 00130 Helsinki
The first opera by a woman composer, in its 400th anniversary year, on International Women's Day. Semi-staged production with baroque gesture & historical action. New-composed baroque dance-music for the Ballo and Horse Ballet.
  • Utopia Chamber Choir (Helsinki)
  • Instrumental ensemble led by Anthony Marini (baroque violin)
  • Directed (stage & music) by Andrew Lawrence-King (baroque harp, keyboards, etc)
Pour l'amour de Bach !

21/03/2025 19:00 CET

Pour l'amour de Bach ! On-site

Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles Belgium
Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles, Auditorium Joseph Jongen, 17, rue du Chêne, 1000 Brussels
J.S. Bach "father of all the music" is a strong myth. There are good reasons for this: his music does us good, galvanizes and enchants us, amazes and nourishes. It is a perpetual gift for all musicians, and for all music lovers.
Musicians The students of the Early Music Department of Brussels Conservatoire
Les Nuits du Roy Soleil

21/03/2025 20:30 CET

Les Nuits du Roy Soleil On-site

WUNDERKAMMER trieste Italy
Torre del Lloyd - Sala delle Colonne , via Von Bruck 2, Trieste - Italy, 34132 Trieste
A glimpse at nightfall, when all contours are blurred by candlelight, searching through the shadows for the Sun King's innermost soul.
Musicians Ensemble of the Ancient Music Departement of Conservatorio A. Pedrollo of Vicenza
Happy Birthday Bach - concert lecture with Margherita Dalla Vecchia on organ

19/03/2025 09:00 CET

Happy Birthday Bach - concert lecture with Margherita Dalla Vecchia on organ On-site

Associazione Culturare Mousiké Vicenza Italy
Chiesa di San Paolo, Viale Giosuè Carducci, 13, 36100 Vicenza VI, Italia, 36100 Vicenza
Lecture-concert for school students and others on the Mascioni organ. Organist Margherita Dalla Vecchia will explain and play JSBach's toccata and fugue.
Musicians Margherita Dalla Vecchia

21/03/2025 19:00 CET

EARLY MUSIC DAY COPENHAGEN 2025 Online and On-site

Copenhagen Renaissance Music Festival Denmark
KoncertKirken, Blågårds Plads 6A, 2200 Copenhagen
Agnethe Christensen in Memoriam - a tribute to the Swedish/Danish Vølve" who passed away 2024 - much too early.
  • With Benjamin Bagby (US/FR)
  • Norbert Rodenkirchen (DE)
  • Leah Stuttard (UK)
  • Giovannangelo de Gennaro (IT)
  • Elizabeth Gaver (US/NO)
  • Gro Siri Ognøy (NO)
  • Poul Høxbro (DK)
  • Helen Davies (UK/DK)
  • Gilbert Martinez (US/DK)
Early Music Day, Szczecin 2025: Concert by Consortium Sedinum

22/03/2025 19:00 CET (22/03/2025 19:00 CET)

Early Music Day, Szczecin 2025: Concert by Consortium Sedinum On-site

Famd.pl Poland
Concert Hall of the Academy of Arts in Szczecin, Niepodległości avenue 40, 71-899 Szczecin
We are truly happy to invite you for the first time in Szczecin to celebrate the Early Music Day where listeners will be taken on a musical journey through 17th-century Europe by Consoritum Sedinum.


  • Olga Musiał Kurzawska, flutes
  • Katarzyna Cendlak, violin
  • Justyna Młynarczyk, viola da gamba
  • Urszula Stawicka, harpsichord

21/03/2025 19:30 CET


Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Torrelavega - Cantabria Spain
Iglesia Parroquial de Nuestra Señora de las Lindes - Suances (Cantabria- España), Cl. Quintana, 8, , 39340 Suances, Cantabria
The concert explores the evolving styles in classical music. Händel, Telemann, Pergolesi, Janitsch y Boccherini
  • Isabel Guerrero Martínez, soprano
  • Francisco Guazo Bolado, traverso
  • Enrique Campos Varea, violin
  • Inés Moreno Martínez, viola
  • Manuel Márquez Pozo, double bass

21/03/2025 20:30 CET (21/03/2025 20:30 CET)


KBF Krakow Festival Office Poland
Benedictine Abbey in Tyniec, Benedyktyńska 37, 30-398 Krakow
The female ensemble Flores Rosarum will perform excerpts from the Tenebrae chants preserved in Wawel Cathedral’s chant books, interwoven in alternatim with organ improvisations by Krzysztof Pawlisz on reconstructed Renaissance organs of the abbey.

Flores Rosarum

  • Susi Ferfoglia, artistic direction
  • Krzysztof Pawlisz, organ
Concert by the Early Music Department of the ‘A. Casella’ Conservatory of L'Aquila

21/03/2025 17:00 CET (21/03/2025 17:00 CET)

Concert by the Early Music Department of the ‘A. Casella’ Conservatory of L'Aquila On-site

Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo dell'Aquila Italy
Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo dell'Aquila, Via Tancredi da Pentima 67100 L'Aquila, Via Tancredi da Pentima snc 67100 L'Aquila, 67100 L'Aquila
The Abruzzo National Museum in L'Aquila, in collaboration with the A. Casella Conservatory of L'Aquila, will participate with a concert performed by teachers and students of the Early Music Department on 21 March at 5 p.m. in the Franciscan Hall
  • Szilvia Komaromi, Serena Patruno, sopranos
  • Lin Huiru contralto
  • Lorenzo Timini, tenor
  • Bin Zhang, baritone
  • Chiara Leonzi, Tamara Manganaro, violins
  • Alberto Lattanzi, viola da gamba
  • Gaia Panzanaro, lute
  • Alice Medas, harpsichord
  • Giovanna Barbati, viola da gamba and ensemble music for voices and ancient instruments
  • Sonia Tedla, baroque and renaissance singing
  • Andrea Coen, harpsichord and historical keyboards
  • Daniela Nuzzoli, baroque violin
  • Marco Pesci, lute Maria De Martini, recorder

21/03/2025 19:00 CET (21/03/2025 19:00 CET)


lautten compagney BERLIN Germany
Schloßpl. 1, 10178 Berlin, Berlin
The lautten compagney BERLIN welcomes five outstanding musicians from Shanghai, Taipei, Taichung and Nanjing to explore classical Chinese music and contemporary poetry together at the Humboldt Forum.
  • Xu Fengxia Guzheng, sanxian & vocals Lucy Zhao, pipa
  • Lung-Yi Huang, Sheng Tzu-Ning Liao, erhu & zhonghu
  • Lin Chen, Chinese drum, yangqin & percussion
  • Young-Shin Kim, acting
  • Zheng Xiaoqiong, poetry

lautten compagney BERLIN

  • Wolfgang Katschner, musical direction
  • Christian Filips, dramaturgy
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
REMA is funded with support from the French Ministry of Culture.